Quere Wege
Spielen, Erzählen und Sensibilisieren

„Quere Wege“ ist eine Hommage an die queere Gemeinschaft, eine Erinnerung an ihre Kämpfe und Errungenschaften. In Schulen, Altersheimen oder in Kreisen von Freund:innen und Familie gespielt, feiert das Spiel die Vielfalt des queeren Lebens und schlägt Brücken zwischen den Generationen. Es schafft Verbindungen, fördert Verständnis und regt dazu an, über queere Lebenswege nachzudenken und daran gemeinsam zu wachsen. Es erinnert uns daran, dass wir, so unterschiedlich wir auch sein mögen, zusammengehören, miteinander und voneinander lernen können.

In Kooperation mit queerAltern.

Minigolf Hard
Branding for an unconventional minigolf course run by the Minigolf Hard Verein.
Away from the usual city centres, the Hardgut wasteland in Zurich is an open space where everyone is welcome to let off steam in a sporty and creative way. A place to be active or just to enjoy yourself. Like so many things here, the tracks have been built by various collectives, clubs and individuals.

A design concept was developed and realised for Klepka's first EP release.

Was blüht denn da? – Kalender 2023
This calendar is made of handmade recycled paper with a wildflower seed mix. The calendar is illustrated and glued by hand.
Normally a calendar has a lifespan of 365 days - after that it has no use. The calendar is meant to increase environmental awareness through its plant-based, organic life cycle, and create a connection to local biodiversity through the process of burial.
The paper and printing of the calendar were produced by the social enterprise Growing Paper. The paper is produced by a South African social project.
Growing Paper also works with a social enterprise in Bern, which does all the printing and logistics for them. All of their produced prints are "Printed in Switzerland". These orders help to create new jobs for people with disabilities.

Rethink Masculinity
Project that encourages to rethink masculinity. Screen printed on a towel roll and installed in a urinal toilet.

Nicolai Shoes
Photo series concepted and executed for Nicolai Shoes.

Design for my Teoflower seeds that I cultivate on my balcony. Implemented with linoleum print. For you and the bees!

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Kultur im Quadrat
Design for the art event Kultur im Quadrat, organized by Momentum an event collective from Lucerne. By planning and organizing events, they pursue the goal of being able to provide a cultural alternative.

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TEO is my interdisciplinary design lab that is about creating and engaging with projects that are handmade, ethical and sustainable. It’s about treasuring each unique piece and the time and effort that goes into it. Slow Design made with passion & care.

More on Instagram @teo_stuff

Logo design by Raphael Wicki   
Ersatzmasken bauen.
At the moment it is difficult to maintain physical contact with the outside world. If you have to go outside despite the Internet and delivery services, a mask is currently an absolute must to protect yourself and your contacts. But what if you last mask has just run out?

I have dealt with this question and created a manual that shows how you can build different emergency masks from everyday objects. The masks are divided into different levels of difficulty and all have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Critical Mass Zürich 2021
Poster design for the monthly Critical Mass Zurich 2021 events.

Ni Una Menos
Artwork for the NI UNA MENOS demonstrations, from the Frauen*streik Kollektiv Zürich.

Halifax Zine
Illustration for the monthly Halifax Zine from Lucern. The July-Theme was Pool.

Wishlab inc.
Title-design sketches for the short movie „Wishlab inc.“ Done at the great Atelier Noëm Held.

Native Cruise – Human Nature
Graphic Design

Artwork for the Human Nature EP by Native Cruise, released by the Munich based record label Slam City Jams. Designed at Atelier Noëm Held.

Luzerner Ferienpass
Poster design for the Luzerner Ferienpass 2020. The poster symbolizes a  sheet where stickers for all the holiday-activities are collected. Just like the stamps in a passport.

Web Design
Website For NotAnotherWihteCube and their new Artist residency in Munich. NAWC is a place for artists to explore their work, featuring work and exhibition spaces.

In my diploma project I dealt with packaging design of two cultures, Switzerland and Japan. The whole book is packed in a cardboard box, with the different parts that represent those two countrys.

Internship Report
For my six-month internship at Teo Schifferli in Zurich, I have created a report summarizing everything I have experienced, learned and done. This report contains sketches, ideas and designs I did at the studio, as well as impressions from personal experiences I made during this half year.

Ser Serpas is an artist from Los Angeles. 2018 in September she had an exhibition at Luma Westbau, Zurich. Together with Fredi Fischli / Niels Olsen she wanted to publish her poems. These are poems she wrote on her iPhone. After some experiments we found the right cover for Ser Serpas.


For the workshops "Weltklasse" on the occasion of the poster festival "Weltformat" we were able to create a visual for social media and a poster with the goal of attracting as many young designers as possible to the event. The aim was to incorporate the word "Weltkjasse" into the film and look for a black and white conversion. Our idea was to run our own workshop for one day to create the letters of the word "world class". In a second step, we mixed the typical analogue workshop character with the digital level. Our video installation from laptops reminds us of light projections.

Workshop Studio Mut

At the “Weltformta” Poster Festival I attended the Studio Mut Workshop. The task was to think about what would disturb/excite or make you scream. In a second step, this should be designed typographically in short words on the computer, then projected on neon, orange posters and implemented in different ways. This strengthened the effect of the statement.

For this project, we spent two days at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne, where we collected material on the subject of "transport". The aim was then to create an analogue newspaper with the photographs and cut-out typography. When I was photographing, I concentrated on the metal sheet and its volume and curvature of cars. I then combined it with other structures of the car. The newspaper represents my opinion that cars are available today in too large a quantity - as a veritable "desert of sheet metal".


This year's theme of APG's annual poster competition in our graphic school was "Deceleration". This theme and the poster should appeal to passers and stimulate them to think. My poster picks up the everyday life in big metropolises as well as small towns. Nowadays, people are too stressed physically and mentally. The city, cut into strips, supposed to represent the disturbed and stressed everyday life and the slow-motion writing acts as an antipole to it - as "deceleration".


For the Hochschule Musik - Lucerne it was necessary to design a poster for the „Master-abschluss Konzerte“. The Master Poster is an internal school competition that takes place every year. Our idea was to focus not on a certain music genre, but on music in general. Since music can also be very spacious, we decided to make an analogue, three-dimensional poster.

London Classics 

During the two-week study trip to London, each student researched two typical English topics, made pictures and wrote texts. Back in Lucerne, it was the task to develop a concept and create a publication with a total of sixty topics. I divided my book into lexicon pages, essay pages and dialogue pages. This is to give the book a clear structure, but also to provide variety. In addition, I divided the sixty themes into categories and assigned them to a color so that you can navigate through the book even better.

Generated Design

The aim of this project was to set up rules and thus shape them. In the team we worked out a simple concept for a game, which can be played in pairs or with any number of players. Our rules were simple. A grid served as the basis. Shortly before each game round, we looked at what materials we had available to design, and invented rules based on them that depended on this grid. This resulted in exciting and varied posters. We photographed our work and edited it into a rhythmic, humorous video.